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Systems Design and Programming



Our Core
Software design and development is our core business.  If your organization is undergoing process improvements, SRI can lead you through the solution design and implementation phases. Click here to see a small sample of systems designed and written by Software Resources, Inc.


Utilizing our knowledge of manufacturing, distribution and service industries, we will streamline your operations by increasing efficiencies in manpower and technology usage.  Our consultants create and use the latest techniques, innovations and tools to design customized solutions in a fraction of the time taken by others.  We also assist our customers in system integration, project management, process and systems analysis, software and hardware selection and procurement, user and technical documentation, training, network set-up and problem-solving.



Computer Code
Code is the foundation upon which every system operates!  Software Resources offers our customers, and their IS staffs, valuable assistance during:


System Redesigns


Application Rewrites


EDI Initiatives


Complex Integrations



There is no language too new, or hardware too old, that we can't handle it. Click here to see a listing of our comprehensive summary of languages, systems and tools we support. SRI has the programming experience you need to get your project completed on time and on budget.




Home | Languages & Platforms

Send mail to greg@software-resources.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2003 Software Resources, Inc.
Last modified: 01/04/05